South of I-595 to Wiles Road
The Florida Department of Transportation, Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise welcomes you to the Online Public Kickoff Meeting for the Turnpike South of I-595 to Wiles Road Project Development and Environment (PD&E) Study.
To navigate through the meeting, click on the arrows on the right and left side of your screen.
To provide a comment at any point during your visit, simply click on the “Comment” button at the top right of your screen. A comment form will appear, you may close the form to continue through the meeting. Once finished, complete your comment and click “Submit”. We look forward to receiving your input and continuing to work with you throughout the study
Viewing tip: If using Internet Explorer, set the view/zoom to 125% or less for optimal viewing.
Click the image to watch the full video presentation. After watching the video, please continue viewing the online meeting.
A PD&E Study is an environmental and engineering process conducted by FDOT to determine social, economic, physical and environmental impacts associated with a proposed transportation improvement project. An important component of the process is public and agency involvement. The process follows Federal and State laws and regulations. It requires the combined efforts of professional engineers, planners and scientists who collect and analyze project-related information to develop the best solution for a community’s transportation needs while minimizing impacts.
Click on the image to view the different phases of a typical roadway project. We are currently in the Project Development & Environment Phase. If a build alternative is selected, then the project moves forward into the design phase.